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DALL·E 2024-03-13 15.38.25 - Create a wide-frame, ultra-realistic cover image for Raah De

About Raah De Yoga

Raah De Yoga is an online platform that guides individuals on their transformative journey through the practice of yoga. Our philosophy is rooted in the ancient wisdom of yoga, yet we understand the demands of modern life. We offer a diverse range of classes suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Our classes are designed to enhance your mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Join us on this journey towards inner peace and happiness.

Home: Classes
DALL·E 2024-03-12 21.12.29 - Generate an ultra-realistic, wide-frame poster for Raah De Yo
DALL·E 2024-03-12 21.12.26 - Create an ultra-realistic, wide-frame poster for Raah De Yoga

Our Vision

At Raah De Yoga, we envision a world where everyone has access to the transformative power of yoga. We believe that yoga is not just a physical practice but a way of life. Our aim is to make Yoga and Yoga Lifestyle accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or level of experience. We strive to create a community where individuals can connect with like-minded people and share their experiences.

Our Story

Raah De Yoga was founded by Yashna Sharma who wanted to make a difference in the world. She realized that there was a need for a platform that not only offered high-quality yoga classes but a Yoga Lifestyle. She combined her expertise in yoga and technology to create Raah De Yoga. Today, we are proud to be on a journey to help thousands of individuals transform their lives through the Yoga Lifestyle.

Our Name

Frequently, we are asked about the significance of "Raah De." "Raah De" is more than just a name; it's a guiding philosophy. In Hindi, "Raah De" translates to 'show the way' or 'guide the path.' This reflects our core belief that the practice of Yoga and the adoption of a Yoga-centric lifestyle can serve as a light, guiding individuals on their journey to transform and enrich their lives.

Our Founder

Yashna's Journey

Yashna Sharma's path to becoming the founder of Raah De Yoga is a journey deeply woven with the essence of yoga and its transformative power. Her initial foray into this ancient practice began at the Aurobindo School in India, where the seeds of mindfulness and meditation were planted. This early exposure to the principles of yoga ignited a passion that led her to the Art of Living Foundation, under the guidance of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, where she honed her skills and deepened her practice.


The quest for mastery took her to the .........

DALL·E 2024-03-12 21.13.10 - Create a wide-frame, realistic photo-style poster for Raah De

Workshops | Coming Soon

Jigar Gor

"Yoga is not about touching your toes, it's what you learn on the way down."

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